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Senior Membership (Ages 35+) Unlimited GolfInitiation Fee: $0 Dues: $350/month Food Minimum: $60 monthly (excluding January and February) Irrigation Assessment: $30/month Driving Range Fee: $125/year Golf Committee Fee: $100/year Personal Locker (optional): $75/year USGA GHIN Handicap: $35/year Spouse: Dues: $140/month Irrigation Assessment: $10.50/month Driving Range $50.00/year Junior Dues: $35/month Irrigation Assessment: $2.40/month Driving Range $50.00/year
Provisional Senior (Ages 21-24) Unlimited GolfInitiation Fee: $0 Dues: $140/month Food Minimum: $60 Monthly (excluding January and February) Irrigation Assessment: $12/month Driving Range Fee: $125/year Golf Committee Fee: $100/year
Provisional Senior (Ages 25-29) Unlimited GolfInitiation Fee: $0 Dues: $210/month Food Minimum: $60 Monthly (excluding January and February) Irrigation Assessment: $18/month Driving Range Fee: $125/year Golf Committee Fee: $100/year
Provisional Senior (Ages 30-34) Unlimited GolfInitiation Fee: $0 Dues: $262.50/month Food Minimum: $60 Monthly (excluding January and February) Irrigation Assessment: $22.50/month Driving Range Fee: $125/year Golf Committee Fee: $100/year
Social - Golf up to (3) times/year at the discretion of the Pro ShopDues: $147/year Food Minimum: $60 Monthly (excluding January and February)
Social with Junior - Golf at designated times or the discretion of the Pro ShopInitiation Fee: None Dues: $147/year + $210 a month per Junior Golfer Food Minimum:$60 Monthly (excluding January and February) Irrigation Assessment: $18/month Driving Range Fee: $62.50/year
Cart FeesSingle 9 holes - $11.50 Single 18 holes - $23.00
Guest Green Fees9 holes weekday - $20.00 plus cart fee 18 holes weekday - $40.00 plus cart fee 9 holes weekend (and holidays) - $30.00 plus cart fee 18 holes weekend (and holidays) - $60.00 plus cart fee Mandatory Cart Days Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays up till 4 PM Walking is permissible on the above days at a fee of: 9 holes - $8, 18 holes - $15.00
Second Club MembershipAnnually: $2,100 Requirements: Must be a member at another club with dues equal or greater to Elmhurst Country Club *Receive unlimited access to leagues, events, amenities and member benefits.
Generational MembershipAvailable for the 2025 Golf Season Promotion (March 1, 2025- December 31, 2025) and to the First 50 Applicants (New Members Only). Annual Dues: 21-39 Years Old: $2,000.00 40-64 Years Old: $3,000.00 65+ Years Old: $2,000.00 Payment: $1,000 due with application. Balance due April 1, 2025. Monthly Minimum: No monthly minimum required. Golf: Unlimited Access to Leagues & Tournaments after Senior Membership registration. Standard Fees set per Pro Shop. Current Member Benefits: $100 Credit on Monthly Bill. Limit to $500 per current ECC Member.
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